This is still my personal favourite Spur and today they had PONY RIDES!!! Hint to anyone needing money - pitch at Spur with a PONY - its a CASH COW!!!
Nash, Colleen, Clair, Shuia and obviously Tess were there and it was such a nice meet. The weather was STUNNING, bit hot but really lovely!
While Claires Connor is a little bit wild he makes up for it by being the most gorgeous baby ever!!!!!! And Ash is just the cutest thing!
Jazzy has found her boy and Cameron loved the attention. Zac was a little elusive - but I think he did have a nice time! Luka Lu is just the CUTEST little munchkin man and his little voice - I could listen to him all day! Oh and was nice seeing T too!!!

This pic was taken by either Ashleigh or Cameron.